About Us

Who We Are

ATH1337® Gaming is all about bringing people together for both an online and in person gaming community. This is for games of all types including, but not limited to, PC Gaming, Online Gaming, Mobile Gaming, Xbox, Playstation, Nintendo, Strategy Board Games, etc.

What We Do

Our main goal is provide a gaming community. In doing so, we strive to provide an avenue that allows you to access the following: 

  • reach out to your fellow ATH1337® members, gamers, and colleagues for questions, recommendations and more;
  • access forums to view and post information related to games;
  • view upcoming game related events;
  • view/purchase games and merchandise offered by ATH1337® Games and affiliates/partners;
  • access and contribute to The ATH1337® Vault (The ATH1337® Vault is currently a work in progress. It is intended to be a game resource provided by both ATH1337® Games as well as members of the ATH1337® Gaming Community. More to come as it gets built out);

What Does ATH1337® Mean?

ATH1337® is pronounced like Athlete, but it uses an alternative alphabet known as eleet or leetspeak. 1337 represents LEET/leet. Leet/1337 is leetspeak for the word elite. Combining traditional English with leetspeak gives you ATH1337®, which represents Gaming Athletes.